Monday, October 18, 2010

Not Quite Goya's Ghost

Originally I had just wanted to draw the face of this based on a love of circular white eyes and a scene from the old Evangelion series where one of the giant not-really-a-robots was drawn as a carnivorous silhouette with some color and two wild white circles for eyes.

As I sketched in the head and eyes, I progressed to the hands and then doodled in the body as quickly as I could... which probably called on my love of Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son" from my subconscious. Most of the anatomy issues were done on purpose, but a few happened because I blocked in shapes too quickly and didn't think about how they should fit together or contract and bunch up. It was an exercise in speed at first, then shadows second.

Also needing to play more with shadow, you can see spots where I simply wasn't sure what to block in and what to leave as white.

Loosely drawn in erasable red, then in 2B, loosely/wildly traced over in ballpoint, and finally blacked in with a felt Tombo calligraphy pen. It's done on cheap sketchpad paper, so I opted not to erase all of the pencil lines and cause a bunch of greyish areas where the paper always lifts up from vigorous erasing.