Monday, December 3, 2012

Iron Mens

Three states of a loose and fairly quick drawing I did at my usual cafe haunt.  Basically I was having a miserable time trying to draw something of my own creation and was about mid-way through Iron Man Essential Vol.1 (first 32 or so issues from the early to mid 60s.)

While inking it I saw some issues and felt it would be fun to scan and do just a little clean up to the drawing, then I think what happened was that I was having trouble inking and blotched some quick yellow and dark blue to help me out... then I added more highlights and detail and worked on the shadows more and tried to fix some of the background... Oi.

The background and perspective look like afterthoughts because it was at the very start of this doodle.  I just wanted to loosen the cobwebs and practice some more stylized linework--oh, and hopefully speed things up, which sadly didn't happen.

UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that the sidewalk goes through Iron Man's left leg, and it does.  This was caused by putting the background linework onto its own layer via cut/create layer, and then just moving it around until I was pleased with the positioning.  With my nose to the grindstone (my tablet) the two lines looked like lighting detail.

So why don't I spend the 2 minutes updating the layer and re-saving/uploading the files?  To bring up the importance of a second or even third pair of eyes.  Most of us aren't grand masters so it's rather helpful to have another set of eyes ask you why you did something that looks out of place.  If you can't justify it reasonably, you probably need to fix it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Desk toy

Wanted to mess around with my tablet but had no ideas so I decided to try and make a bobble head on my desk look dramatic.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Missed one

Was playing a lot of Dark Souls if you recognize the head shape. The character I was thinking of has brain texture on the head piece though, and I just forgot while off away from my computer.

And, yea, friends doodle on my paper along with me. Wasted space if they don't I say.

Catch-up Day is finally over.

There, just slapping the last two on the same post because I can. And the little samurai girl wouldn't make as good a solo post--and the T-Rex did?--as the ninja and their ice cream stand.

This concludes our post string for today.

"Hmmmmm indeed."

Had crabs and fezes on the brain this day. Spent a handful of hours on this drawing and chatting between cups of coffee over a few days, so I have no clue the actual drawing time.

And, yes, his legs probably wouldn't tuck neatly under him. I know... sheesh.

A Tree!!!

More concept art ideas. Spent 4-5 hours on the bottom one... not sure if that's good or bad to be honest. Both were fun to draw though, and all three are of the same idea.

Giant Moth-thing

As usual what I had in mind and what I drew were a little different. Need to work on my texturing and figuring out how to draw metal barbs.

Cave shadows

Was wondering about concept art in B&W for a general video game monster.


Talking about hulking over-muscled superheroes spawned this idea. Can't be even remotely original, but whatever.

The nose

These were probably drawn two months apart, but looking at the scans they seemed in need of pairing.


Good or bad, I have the urge to scan and post all drawings of warrior chefs.

Second drawing was on the same page, seemed fitting to pair them when scanned too.


Usual drawing where I wondered how I would draw something. Despite problems, it was the one out of a few that turned out well enough that I didn't complain to myself.

T-Rex with enhancement

I think it was a day Reddit/Imgur posted a bunch of tiny hands jokes about T-Rex's.

Quick gestures

Needed to do a page of gestures to loosen the wrist and the mind. Small ones, but still a good warm-up I need to do more often. Might've been the same day as the previous post actually... I don't date most of these in my sketchbooks.

Two ladies

Tired of flailing drawings of sexy ladies with screwed up torsos, I default to drawing Rosie the Riveter-esque blue collar women, the opposite of what you'll find in Cosmo. It's for humor, but it's creepy how much easier they are to draw.

The other chick was a goofy minigun drawing, but it looked tolerable when I cropped the bottom half off during scanning.

"She/I looks like a pumpkin."

I can't recall how the conversation started, but my friend Laura was described as a pumpkin with her hairband one day. Then the following happened:

"HA! Are you drawing Laura as a pumpkin?"
"No... *cough*"
"Yes you are."
"You're drawing me as a pumpkin? Let me see."
Three doodles on the same page I did when wondering how one would go about designing a space environment for a comic. Got sidetracked when I realized I'd drawn FemShep from Mass Effect giving a debriefing from a Wing Commander game.


For some reason this day I kept hearing a friend of mine say "Science!" in his cartoon voice in the back of my head. This drawing was the result... except for the brat in the corner. The people I was with said it looked like Professor Membrane from Invader Zim. So I fumbled a poorly drawn Dib without looking up what he looked like.

Today I'm uploading about four months of doodles I made hanging out at a cafe and sandwich chain I frequent. Rather than make a giant single post they'll be mostly 1-2 drawings per post and a short description.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Pencil/Pen done at cafe:
Final image:
Timelapse of (most of) the work between the two:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

3D Modeling/Animation II final

Welcome to community college.

Here you get to take pretty much whatever class(es) you want and hopefully pick up some job/life skills.  Or, if you forget to turn in your homework like I do... things get murky.

So the rig we were mostly experimenting with this semester was pure FK.  Basically you set up control objects on joints that don't render, and treat it like claymation in zero gravity.  After the midterm I Frankensteined the top half of that rig with an IK (Inverse Kinetics; honestly no idea how to explain this one) rig at the center pelvis/waist joint and somehow broke the thumbs.  Don't ask, I'm still not sure how I broke them.

The project had ups and downs to say the least, though the greatest down was trying to mimic a 2D movie in 3D.  Aside from inconsistent scene staging, character scale, limb placement, and lighting (this last one is normal in all movies actually) and uhhh... well it's a terrible idea for a class project.  Making up my own "inspired" material from a stolen source would have netted a project multitudes better than trying to copy frames and key frame/tween them.

Anyway, there will always be more excuses about things like painted weights (how joints influence the vector points--where the lines cross on the models), but this  enough excuses, on with the material:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just a Landscape

A landscape was requested of me, to which I responded that I didn't like doing landscapes because I wasn't any good at them.  My friend told me that was more reason to do one, and had back-up that I needed to get over it and work on it.  Probably was a motivational speech with a twinge of sarcasm so I'd actually listen.

It has issues, but I zoned out and somehow my reluctant acceptance of the challenge produced this.  Was fun to work on by the end.

Drawn in red animator's pencil and Micro 08.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Crayon Is Not As I Remember

Friend demanded I draw in her sketchbook instead of my own, and that I use her box of too-many-crayons that she and another guy where going crazy with.  So I obliged this challenge and banged this out instead of working on the storyboard homework I was supposed to be doing.

Quickie photo taken with my phone and posted here for posterity.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Don't 3D Model Very Often.

Currently taking my third class at a local community college (Maya1, Maya1 repeated, Maya2).  Self-improvement and learning need to start somewhere, I think I personally do best when launched first from a classroom setting and then tossed into the wild.