First of all, you'll see the scale. All of the sculpting was done with the hard end of that paint brush in the first few pictures--which wasn't easy for someone who's never really done any sculpting to memory. The clay is "Klean Klay"; not sure i it's cheap stuff or not, but I got 2 pounds of it for $5 at Utrecht around a month ago.
Second of all you'll see a dramatic shift in facial construction and that the ears I spent large amounts of time toying with are suddenly gone. I was drinking here with two friends and one of them, a girl by the name of Laura, who has a rather skilled hand at art, looked at my block head and pronounced she "could do it better!" And then proceeded to make my square-jawed cartoon character more realistic and without ears. My focus was on facial expression, so I was both impressed and annoyed at the same time. Due to the ears and the hardness of the clay at room temperature being in conflict anyway, I was far from butt-hurt.
About a week and half later (last night) I was looking at the now egg-shaped head and realized how I was to cope with the lack of ears. The head's new right ear changes when the lighting changes because it did not last the night. It was half fallen off when I woke, and it tore itself free by the time I was ready to take pictures.
So, yea, in retaliation to her alterations I gave him bunny ears and buck teeth.
In the future I will play with this stuff much more, but I'll definitely need some sort of support underneath, meaning I need to figure out what wire I can safely use as a skeleton.
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