Thursday, June 20, 2013

Old Chess Player

Based on an old guy that comes in on Mondays for chess club meets at the cafe I haunt multiple days a week.  Due to slight movements and drawing it over the course of a week (drew until he left one Monday, repeat the next Monday) I ended up leaving his mouth and eyes closed.  It was more the angle he was sitting in.

Darks touched up during scanning, drawn in 2B and 4B pencil.  The sketchbook isn't so hot at letting graphite get any darker than what I had.

Spell check?

I learned that day that trying to listen to a lecture while taking notes and drawing something with text involved meant I didn't question that voice in the back of my head saying I miss-spelled something.


Doodled in a medium (small?) Moleskine.  Good for inking even with cheap ballpoint pens.

Some ideas just don't pan out...

Posted anyway.



This character from Doublefine's Psychonauts was the semester project of someone in class.  Doodle based on something the guy explained or showed during class.  It was almost three months ago, I forgot at this point.

Old faithful

2B pencil and 8.5"x11" printer paper

From behind

Advantage of sitting in the back of a classroom.

Half a head or so

Not sure I got the cheeks right.

Flood of doodles day. Cleared off some desk space of cluter

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Long story short: I just wanted a simple character to model and didn't want to get caught up being me and re-designing the idea 10 times over.  The project folder is even named "Pikachu_v1" because I knew I'd run into some problems that might by too far back to fix.  In this case I created a few small lumpy spots on accident that I didn't notice in time, and some parts just feel weird to me personally.  Also the UV map is a cringe-inducing mess.  Not my strong point, but it serves here unless you can see the chinks in the armor.

Things to do:
--Figure out how to do fur so it's not all facing one direction, though this will probably be patches of non-rendering NURBS with hair dynamics sprouting from them.  So far all experiments have been flops though, and I'll probably save that for another project.

--Fight the rig a little more, see if I can it at least to function a little.  Okay, my ideas are rather limited to animating and modeling.  When it comes to UV mapping, texturing, and rigging, I don't get far without copying wholesale from tutorials each and every time.

--Transition to Blender?  Maybe it'll be more stable and less likely to crash when sneezed at by am amateur.  Also no educational license 8)

If I can get the rig working enough, mirror it and not cringe in disgust, I'll spend a little time messing around with this little bugger.  The other goal of this project was to create something short and pudgy to see how many vertices I needed per joint to get it to bend in a way I liked.