Saturday, February 1, 2014

A big catch-up

Someone at La Scalla, the cafe I spend too much time at, offered to me the actual method people use for digital speed painting, which happens to be rather far removed from the physical medium.  Layers; immense amounts of layers with varying opacity and usually specific details in a giant vertical stack.

Now my Galaxy Note has only 2GB of RAM so my layer limit is actually rather low compared to what one would do in Photoshop on a PC or Windows tablet.  Regardless the technique still works out at its base level and just means I have to smoosh more work per layer and lower my expectations.  Also I have far less brushes at my disposal and need to dick around with what brushes Artflow and Sketchbook Pro do have for quick texture or to just keeping things from being too uniformed.

The following posts are reverse chronological order (new to old) as I continue my fight to get the technique down.  Though I'm still rather slow and meticulous at this as with most things I do.

And a bonus because I like the one with construction lines on it:

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