Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week of 2010.06.18

The week in doodles for me. Only 3-pages worth of scribbles, and another 1-page drawing that's only very roughly laid out as an idea, in fact so lightly laid out that I didn't bother scanning it.

The first image is one I want to play with more, while the rest are loose ideas to relax the fingers and wrist so that I might get to the point with my pencil instead of spending too long trying to salvage a bad idea. I started the 2nd image with the handlebar mustached fellow, and spent far too long scribbling on and around the idea. Bad warm up practice, as those should always be fast and loose, like that Motorhead song.

As a fun note, the top of the 3rd page has an issue where I forgot which leg was which and, well, it's obviously fucked up; you can see where I noticed something wrong and just lifted my pencil away from it and moved on.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unfinished Robot

See that faint image behind the black lines? That was a rather fun pencil doodle to make. Ignored most perspective cues as a whole to focus on the giant robot in the middle, and then on the one to the right. The rest of it was loosely guided by where the vanishing point had sort of started, but was done freehand and with very little consistency.

So why is it incomplete? Took a photo of it, dragged it into Painter and couldn't decide what to do with it once I got all the angles and everything where I wanted them. The whole idea just fell apart over the course of a day or two and got tossed aside for better-planned ideas. Or maybe to try again someday.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Drawing of a dragon I was doodling in my sketchbook a week or two ago. Erasable red pencil, 2B graphite, and black ball point.

The intentional was to try and return to a more cartoony style since as of late I've been trying to make stuff realistic without much or any photo reference, which is really bloody hard for me and has resulted in some iffy drawings and oddball anatomy screw-ups where some stuff looks fine and others are just wrong.

Also I was wasn't really thinking about it and totally screwed up a few things on the dragon, most notably the stomach. I'm going to attempt a touch-up of that area on my tablet later today.

Got a new scanner, an Epson V500, and I finally tried it out. Normal scans are damn quick to me since I'm used to a 10-year-old Canon 1240U. This one is advertised as being for photo scanning first, but of that I only care about this awesome option for dropping a single color spectrum. The scan takes twice as long, but I will almost completely ignore the red erasable pencil I've started drawings with since my last animation class. It's a silly thing to enjoy, but it's awesome compared to what I'm used to.