Friday, February 14, 2014

Muddah Fuggin' MONKEY!

After a floundering drawing session on Monday at the cafe haunt, a friend made some sideways comment about a monkey with a crank organ.  One fairly relaxed and anatomically warped doodle later I had the majority of the linework done in a shorter time frame than my messy frustrated scribbles featured in the rest of the night.

Now Thursday night and unsure what to do, I finished reading a short story before giving in to temptation and going back to this.  Cleaned up the lines, reworked the simple background to at least pretend I cared about the perspective, and toned it.

Then my friends demanded rain while I professed disinterest in adding umbrellas.  I was resistant, but gave in just to see what it would look like when both said to not add umbrellas to make it even gloomier.   Well played you two.

Done in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro on my Note 10.1.
First drawing was slightly larger and in several layers.  Those were merged down, saved as a copy and scaled down so I had room for the environment around them.  Unlike on a desktop I have a layer cap due to memory restraints on the tablet.  I think I mention that as lot in posts involving this tablet...

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